Source code for lcat.featurization.registry

Feature registry module of Lung Cancer Action Team package.
from __future__ import print_function
import itertools

import pandas as pd

# Featurizer placeholder

[docs]def register_featurizer(featurizer_name): """ Function decorator which registers the given function under the argument `featurizer_name` as a featurizer. The function must accept a single scan and return a pandas DataFrame containing columns representing features and rows representing nodules. The Index must specify the nodule_id for each nodule. """ def decorator(featurize): """ Register the function `featurize` as a featurizer """ # Store the function FEATURIZERS[featurizer_name] = featurize # Return it unchanged return featurize # Return a function decorator to register featurizer return decorator
[docs]def featurize_scan(scan): """ Featurize the given scan, using all available featurizers. Returns a pandas DataFrame with all featurizer results, indexed by patient_id and nodule_id using a MultiIndex. """ # Featurizations placeholder featurizations = [] # For each featurizer for featurizer_name, featurizer in FEATURIZERS.iteritems(): # Featurize the scan try: featurizations.append(featurizer(scan)) except: print("Error featurizing scan for patient '%s' using featurizer '%s', skipping..." % (scan.patient_id, featurizer_name)) # Concatenate all featurizations return pd.concat(featurizations, axis=1)
[docs]def featurize_scan_single(scan, featurizer_name): """ Featurize the given scan, using the specified featurizer. Returns a pandas DataFrame with all featurizer results, indexed by patient_id and nodule_id using a MultiIndex. """ # Get the featurizer featurizer = FEATURIZERS[featurizer_name] # Featurize the scan featurization = featurizer(scan) return featurization