Source code for lcat.loading.annotations

#!/usr/bin/env python
BMI 260: Final Project
Load chest CT scan annotations from radiologist xml files.
from collections import namedtuple
import os
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import numpy as np
import skimage
import skimage.measure
import skimage.segmentation

import lcat

# Nodule datatype
Nodule = namedtuple('Nodule', ['nodule_id', 'characteristics', 'origin', 'mask'])

# XML namespace abbreviations
    'nih': ''

# Tag name regex
TAG_NAME_RE = re.compile('^{' + XMLNS['nih'] + '}' + '(.+)$')

[docs]def load_radiologist_annotations(dicom_folder, dimensions, sop_instance_uids): """ Load radiologist annotations (namely nodule characteristics and regions) from the xml files present in `dicom_folder`. Returns an array of Nodule objects representing all nodules found in the radiologist annotations. """ # Create nodules placeholder nodules = [] # Look for XML files for filename in os.listdir(dicom_folder): if filename.endswith('.xml'): # Reconstruct filepath filepath = os.path.join(dicom_folder, filename) # Load xml file tree = ET.parse(filepath) root = tree.getroot() # Find all nodules reads = root.findall('.//nih:readingSession//nih:unblindedReadNodule', XMLNS) # For each read for read in reads: # Extract nodule information nodule = get_nodule_information(read, dimensions, sop_instance_uids) # Only include >3mm nodules if any(dim > 1 for dim in nodule.mask.shape): nodules.append(nodule) return nodules
[docs]def get_nodule_information(read, dimensions, sop_instance_uids): """ Given an unblindedReadNodule element, create a Nodule object representing the nodule's characteristics and vertices. """ # Get nodule ID nodule_id = get_read_nodule_id(read) # Get characteristics characteristics = get_read_characteristics(read) # Get mask origin, mask = get_read_mask(read, dimensions, sop_instance_uids) return Nodule(nodule_id, characteristics, origin, mask)
[docs]def get_read_nodule_id(read): # Find nodule ID element nodule_id_elem = read.find('.//nih:noduleID', XMLNS) # Return text content return nodule_id_elem.text
[docs]def get_read_characteristics(read): """ Get the characteristics from a read as recorded by the radiologist. Returns an empty dictionary if no characteristics were recorded. """ # Extract characteristics characteristics = {} for attribute_elem in read.findall('.//nih:characteristics//*', XMLNS): # Get attribute name (removing namespace) match = TAG_NAME_RE.match(attribute_elem.tag) assert match is not None attribute_name = # Get attribute value attribute_value = int(attribute_elem.text) characteristics[attribute_name] = attribute_value return characteristics
[docs]def get_read_mask(read, dimensions, sop_instance_uids): """ Get a 3D array representing the region described by the specific read, prefaced by an origin specifying its placement in the image (in index coordinates). """ # Get the full mask mask = get_mask_region(read, dimensions, sop_instance_uids) # Compress to small region with offset origin, mask = lcat.util.compress_nodule_mask(mask) return origin, mask
[docs]def get_mask_region(read, dimensions, sop_instance_uids): """ Returns a full representation of the region represented by the given nodule read as a mask. """ # Create mask output placeholder mask = np.zeros(dimensions, dtype=bool) # Create holes queue holes = [] # Identify regions of interest for roi_elem in read.findall('.//nih:roi', XMLNS): # Check if it's a hole if roi_elem.find('.//nih:inclusion', XMLNS).text.upper() == 'FALSE': holes.append(roi_elem) else: mark_region(mask, roi_elem, sop_instance_uids) # Create unincluded mask placeholder unincluded = np.zeros(dimensions, dtype=bool) # Identify hole regions for roi_elem in holes: mark_region(unincluded, roi_elem, sop_instance_uids) # Remove unincluded regions mask &= np.logical_not(unincluded) return mask
[docs]def mark_region(mask, roi_elem, sop_instance_uids): """ Mark the region of interest encoded by `roi_elem` in `mask`. `sop_instance_uids` is used to determine the slices referenced by `roi_elem`. """ # Create mask boundary placeholder mask_boundary = np.zeros(mask.shape[:2], dtype=bool) # Get Z index sop_instance_uid = roi_elem.find('.//nih:imageSOP_UID', XMLNS).text z_index = sop_instance_uids.index(sop_instance_uid) # Mark boundary points for edge_elem in roi_elem.findall('.//nih:edgeMap', XMLNS): # Get x and y positions x_position = int(edge_elem.find('.//nih:xCoord', XMLNS).text) y_position = int(edge_elem.find('.//nih:yCoord', XMLNS).text) # Mark boundary in mask mask_boundary[x_position, y_position] = 1 # Fill in region mask_regions = skimage.measure.label(mask_boundary, background=-1, connectivity=1) mask_center = skimage.segmentation.clear_border(mask_regions) mask[:, :, z_index] |= mask_center != 0
[docs]def main(): """ Command-line invocation routine. """ import scans scan = scans.load_scan('../../data/LIDC-IDRI/LIDC-IDRI-0090') import IPython IPython.embed()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()