Source code for lcat.segmentation.lungs

Authors: Connor Brinton and Scotty Fleming
Segment lungs from a chest CT scan.
import numpy as np
import skimage
import skimage.filters
import skimage.measure
import skimage.morphology
import skimage.segmentation

import lcat

[docs]def get_lung_segmentation(scan): """ Given a `Scan` object representing a chest CT scan, return a binary mask representing the lungs (not including the air within the lungs). """ # Identify filler pixels (top edge value) filler_value = get_top_value(np.concatenate((scan.voxels[[0, -1], :, :].flat, scan.voxels[:, [0, -1], :].flat))) # Determine threshold scan_mask = np.logical_not(np.isclose(scan.voxels, filler_value)) threshold = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(scan.voxels[scan_mask]) # Make sure threshold is within air/lung parameters if threshold <= -1000 or threshold >= 0: threshold = -500 # Threshold the image foreground = scan.voxels >= threshold # Identify strongly connected components labels = skimage.measure.label(foreground, background=1, connectivity=1) # Remove edge components lcat.util.clear_border(labels, axis=[0, 1], in_place=True) # Identify the largest volume lung_mask = get_largest_volume(labels) # Fill edge holes by dilation # smoother = skimage.morphology.ball(10, dtype=bool) # lung_mask = skimage.morphology.binary_dilation(lung_mask, selem=smoother) smoother = skimage.morphology.disk(10, dtype=bool) for z_index in range(lung_mask.shape[-1]): lung_mask[..., z_index] = skimage.morphology.binary_dilation(lung_mask[..., z_index], selem=smoother) # Obtain lung envelope envelope_mask = get_lung_envelope(lung_mask) # Erode envelope to revert to proper extent # envelope_mask = skimage.morphology.binary_erosion(envelope_mask, selem=smoother) for z_index in range(lung_mask.shape[-1]): lung_mask[..., z_index] = skimage.morphology.binary_erosion(envelope_mask[..., z_index], selem=smoother) return envelope_mask
[docs]def get_largest_volume(labels): """ Return a binary mask equivalent to the component with the largest volumes in the array `labels`. """ return labels == get_top_value(labels[labels != 0])
[docs]def get_top_value(arr): """ Given an ndarray, return the value which occurs most frequently. """ # Count values values, counts = np.unique(arr, return_counts=True) # Identify top value top_value_index = np.argmax(counts) return values[top_value_index]
[docs]def get_lung_envelope(lung_mask): """ Given a mask representing thresholded lung values, obtain an envelope containing the lung region with no interior holes. """ # Invert the mask reversed_mask = np.logical_not(lung_mask) # Identify connected_components reversed_labels = skimage.measure.label(reversed_mask) # Identify inner labels only inner_labels = lcat.util.clear_border(reversed_labels, axis=[0, 1]) # Obtain only the outermost (edge-touching) region outside_mask = np.logical_xor(reversed_labels != 0, inner_labels != 0) # Invert the mask again to get the envelope envelope_mask = np.logical_not(outside_mask) return envelope_mask